Sunday, February 7, 2016

Episode Review: 1x12 "Bizarro"

By Corinne McCreery

Here we go again! Yet another episode that draws specifically from the Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle run on Supergirl. “Bizarrogirl” was the last trade (and second to last arc) that the two collaborated on in the title. Sadly the paperback version of the book is out of print, but you can find it on Comixology for some good collaborative reading!

Max Lord really upped his super villain game in this episode. Before he was merely despicable, sometimes deplorable. With this episode, he is 100% evil. Seven Jane Does claimed by Max? That’s not just evil, that’s a danged serial killer. The show also throws a little bit of an Easter egg at us with Lord wanting his own Supergirl. As I’ve said before, Lord is a very obvious stand in for Lex Luthor, and in the early 1990s, that version of Supergirl was both in love with and on Lex Luthor’s payroll. Max playing up that he knows Kara’s secret was intense, and Alex’s manhandling of him was well deserved. I’m very interested to see where the story with a captive Max Lord goes.

Cat Grant buttering up Kara was fantastic and unexpected. I love that she showed that she does pay attention to Kara. The love pentagram was in full swing in this episode. Both James and Winn being jealous of Adam was played really well, and Adam and Kara had absolutely smoldering chemistry. I’m a bit sad that it’s not going to last a bit longer. But… if it leaves open my Brainiac 5 possibility, I’ll be okay. Oh and we’re up to eleven out of twelve episodes that have induced tears. You hurt me so good, show.

I really enjoyed the fight scenes with Bizarro. Especially, I liked how, once again, Kara broke away from a fight to save people. That’s what people in the Superfamily do. The fact that green Kryptonite made her look more like the Bizarros that we know and love, was a nice touch. And the use of the opposite powers of flame breath and freeze vision (and can we talk about the frost that formed around her eyes?! Awesome) made me giddy. I also appreciated the continuation of Cat Grant naming people in the show. It warms my heart to have James Olsen be the “damsel (or as Mehcad Brooks corrected me - Dudesel) in distress. James’s motivational speech sounded like me when I talk about Supergirl. It makes me so happy that the writers of the show have the same feelings about her that I do. Another squee was elicited at the creation of Blue Kryptonite, every little nod to the comics immerses me all the more into the show.

Speaking of comic nods, the cliffhanger, with how absolutely pitch perfect the Black Mercy looked was great. I’m very excited about next week’s episode. And the following week, which is directed by the amazing Lexi Alexander. BUT… the episode I’m most excited for now is the one that got announced this week. Episode 1x18 - Worlds Finest, guest starring the one and only Grant Gustin as the Flash. We’re getting our crossover episode, and I’m so happy I could cry.

'Til next week, when we find out what you give a girl who has everything.

PS: Chapter Two of The Adventures of Supergirl by Sterling Gates and Bengal comes out on Monday. If you enjoy the show and aren’t reading it, you really should be. Do yourself a favor and spend the $.99 a chapter on it. It’s worth all ninety nine pennies every two weeks.

Corinne McCreery has been a fan of comic books for over twenty years, and a fan of Supergirl in particular for just about that long. Other comic characters near and dear to her heart are the members of the New Teen Titans (Especially Nightwing), Kitty Pryde and Roy Harper. Other non-comic related interests include water skiing and tattoos, of which she has five, three of which are comic related. One of the best days of her life came when she met Dean Cain, and was able to recreate the famous Crisis on Infinite Earths cover with the Man of Steel that she grew up with. Currently she lives in Oakland, CA; a transplant from South Dakota. You can find her online on tumblr at effyeahsupergirl or Twitter at @corimarie21, where you will likely find her live-tweeting the west coast airing of Supergirl every week.