Monday, February 29, 2016

Episode Review: 1x14 "Truth, Justice, and the American Way"

By Corinne McCreery

I apologize for not getting the comic review up like I said I was going to, but some important personal things came up.

The pain on Kara’s face in the opening scene, was just another testament to Melissa’s amazing acting chops. I also absolutely loved the bits of Kryptonian culture (and the mention of RAO!) that we got in this episode. It was also driven home again that Krypton had abolished Capital Punishment, and that makes me very happy.

Monday, February 22, 2016

1x14: "Truth, Justice And The American Way"

Frank has gone missing, so special guest, Palmer, steps in to do his worst Frank impression. Tim is uneasy. Enjoy "Truth, Justice, and the American Way!"

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Monday, February 15, 2016

Episode Review: 1x13 "For the Girl Who Has Everything"

By Corinne McCreery

We open this week with a bit more of a cold open than most weeks, with Kara waking up on Krypton from what appears to be a fever dream. We get a couple of awesome comic references right away with Kelex and Argo, Kelex traditionally being a Kryptonian robot that aids Superman in his Fortress of Solitude; Argo being the city that the Silver-Age Kara grew up on after it survived the explosion of the planet. We also get a beautiful establishing shot of Krypton as Kara realizes where she is.

Then we cut back to Earth, where Kara is missing from CatCo and Cat is none too pleased about it. Winn’s attempts to cover for her are so adorable, and so very awful. “Kara has lice.”

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

1x13: "For The Girl Who Has Everything"

Tim and Frank try to figure out exactly why Kara is such an expert sculptor on Krypton. Also the Cat Grant Quote of the week is back!

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Sunday, February 7, 2016

Episode Review: 1x12 "Bizarro"

By Corinne McCreery

Here we go again! Yet another episode that draws specifically from the Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle run on Supergirl. “Bizarrogirl” was the last trade (and second to last arc) that the two collaborated on in the title. Sadly the paperback version of the book is out of print, but you can find it on Comixology for some good collaborative reading!

Max Lord really upped his super villain game in this episode. Before he was merely despicable, sometimes deplorable. With this episode, he is 100% evil. Seven Jane Does claimed by Max? That’s not just evil, that’s a danged serial killer. The show also throws a little bit of an Easter egg at us with Lord wanting his own Supergirl. As I’ve said before, Lord is a very obvious stand in for Lex Luthor, and in the early 1990s, that version of Supergirl was both in love with and on Lex Luthor’s payroll. Max playing up that he knows Kara’s secret was intense, and Alex’s manhandling of him was well deserved. I’m very interested to see where the story with a captive Max Lord goes.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

1x12: "Bizarro"

Supergirl fought a unique villain this week, and Tim puts on his professor hat to break down all the things you might have missed. As usual Frank stands in awe. Tim is also apparently really jealous of Blake Jenner. 

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