Monday, October 31, 2016

Episode Review: 2x03 "Welcome to Earth"

By Corinne McCreery

Let the ships sail! This week we got introductions to a few new characters, and more screen time for another two that were recently introduced (three if you count coma boy).

Speaking of Coma Boy, we open where we left last week with him choking out Kara, and then escaping the DEO, with J’onn lamenting the loss of his Kryptonite. On top of that, the President is visiting, so having a rogue alien on the loose could pose a big problem.

This episode hit on current social issues hard, some people even saying too hard. Personally? I thought it was needed. Sometimes these things need to be said in a place they aren’t normally. And despite some recent arguments, comic books and superheroes have addressed these things pretty regularly since day one. Superman fought wife beaters and slum lords in his first appearances. He fought against capital punishment and for labor unions. The term social justice warrior gets thrown around a lot, but that is literally what superheroes are. Linda Carter’s speech about hope in particular made me very proud of the show. Refugees are people. And as such, there are some good, some bad, most fall somewhere in the middle. They can be our biggest heroes (specifically in this context Supergirl and her cousin are refugees, but in a reality context? Albert Einstein) or your worst enemies, but what matters is how YOU can treat them. You can treat them with kindness and love, and give them hope. You can treat them with fear and mistrust and give them reason to hate you. That's up to you. I choose to give them hope and a second chance, on the hope that in return they give us greater things in the future. That's one of the things Supergirl has taught me in life. The other big thing I wanted to talk about on the issues side of things is in respect to the device and arguments that Lena introduces to the debate in the episode. I could see lots of parallels to some of my own struggles in life within this argument. I love the Lena character, but I heavily disagree with her on this topic, and that’s because I am a transgender woman, who for the most part, has passing privilege. As such, it’s not common for me to disclose my trans status at the beginning of work relationships or friendships. That’s a part of myself I only really talk about with friends for the most part (the internet is a different animal). I can see an allegory for being trans within Lena’s little device and argument that “You should be able to know who your neighbors really are.” No, you really shouldn’t expect that. If I want to keep a piece of my private life to myself? That’s my right. That’s everyone’s right. Sorry Ms. Luthor, but we aren’t going to see eye to eye on this one.

Kara’s fangirling about meeting the president was adorable and wonderful. The introduction of Madame President was also fantastic, and as always, I’m a sucker for the cape save.

Snapper continues to be gruff, and hard to love. I do love the dynamic he brings to the show though. So much so, that I’ve been watching some of the Mary Tyler Moore Show to fall asleep at night because he reminds me of Lou Grant. He wasn’t wrong in making Kara rewrite her article though, it definitely wasn’t news reporting.

And now we get to the first of the two ships that officially set sail for me this week. Malex forever. Maggie Sawyer is an amazing addition to this cast, and her chemistry with Alex is just dripping. Every scene with the two of them was smoldering and were highlights of the episode. The alien gay bar in particular, may be my new favorite thing in the world. And Alex’s disappointment that Maggie had a date was completely visible.

But Malex is just the first of two as I said, and the second surprised me more than any other ship ever has. Goddess help me, but I’m on team Kana. Because as intense and flirtatious as Maggie and Alex were? Lena and Kara had every bit as much chemistry. Specifically, the second scene with the two of them, and the “Do tell” moment in particular launched that ship on what I’m sure will be a long journey. I doubt we’ll get resolution  on this particular relationship, but a girl can dream. It’s hope, how can it be false?

Back to Coma Boy, we find out he’s not Kryptonian, but instead he’s a Daxamite. We also find out that Krypton and Daxam were not friendly, and that Kara still holds some personal prejudices. To be fair, it seems her new pal has similar prejudices against her as well, prejudices they both seem willing to put behind them at the end of the episode.

We got two big reveals at the end of the episode. I’m very intrigued at the future plot line with the president, and very excited about the future with M’Gann. See you all next week, when we learn more about the Last Daughter of Mars!

Corinne McCreery is a Northern California comic book podcaster and fan. She’s been a fan of Supergirl since the early 1990s when she discovered the character through the Mayfair Games DC Heroes RPG, and then Crisis on Infinite Earths. She has amassed an impressive Supergirl collection over the years, including original art and Action Comics 252 and openly gushes about the character whenever given the opportunity. Along with episode reviews, she is the co-host of the Supergirl Power Hour, which is going through Kara Zor-El’s appearances in the Silver Age (and eventually beyond!). You can find her on twitter at @corimarie21 or @sgirlpowerhour and on tumblr at effyeahsupergirl and Her two crowning achievements of fandom are that she has Dan Jurgens’s signature made out to Supergirl (acquired by a friend) and has reenacted the Death of Supergirl with Dean Cain.