By Corinne McCreery
Great Rao. I stand corrected. Again. Just like the last two weeks, this episode continued to improve upon a great foundation. For the third consecutive week, I have a new favorite episode. A part of me still can’t believe this is a thing that I’m getting every week. Even if this is the only season we get, I’m still getting about 15 hours of the most perfect version of my favorite hero.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Monday, December 14, 2015
1x08: "Hostile Takeover"
This week on Supergirl TV Talk, Frank is absent #FindFrank but Tim has recruited consument Supergirl fan, Palmer! Listen and enjoy! Be sure to review us on various podcast apps, e-mail us a or tweet at us @TVSupergirl. Up, up and away!
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Friday, December 11, 2015
Episode Review: 1x07 "Human For a Day
By Corinne McCreery
First things first, I unfortunately got spoiled on the reveal before the episode aired. You see, I live on the West Coast. None of my friends on Facebook watch the show live, so I didn’t have to worry about any of them. I assumed I wouldn’t have to worry about comic news sites too, since there’s been so much backlash with pre-west coast airing spoilers with things like Walking Dead. I assumed incorrectly, because twenty minutes after the episode aired, Newsarama spoiled it in both their link and in the image they used to show the link. Shame on you Newsarama.
That said, this episode was absolutely amazing. It nailed every single thing I love about this show. Mostly it was the most emotional episode we’ve gotten yet, and as I’ve said before, emotions are where this show really excels.
From the opening scene, I knew we were in for an emotional roller coaster episode. The really sad “Thanks. …Mom.” at the end of the scene choked me up. And then “Stupid Red Tornado” had me giggling. As did “He’s such a nerd.”
Since the reveal was spoiled for me, I have to say that Henshaw’s response to “I will grind your loved ones to dust” was even more poignant for me. It resonates on a whole different level when you know the truth.
Man, do I love James Olsen. So much more after this episode even. His backstory broke my heart. And continues to do so on every rewatch.
Cat Grant taking a picture of the guy who left for his family is just so Cat… As is her forgetting Winn’s name. And her pep talk this week going to everyone, rather than just to Kara. The talk with Kara and Cat at the end was heartwarming and sincere. “I know you inspired them, because you inspired me,” may just be my favorite line from an episode chalk full of great lines.
“Don’t you think people need a more positive message? Hope, rather than fear?” Perfect. Again, this show nails the character I love so much. This is my Kara, my beacon of hope. And then, the scene with the dying father, lord what a gut wrenching, heart breaking scene. Kara trying so hard to save him, and failing is so hard to watch. This is another lesson that Kara learned in the Sterling Gates run on the book, that you can’t save everyone. (She actually learned it the arc before he took over, but was still dealing with the ramifications well into his run, and honestly Sterling handled it so much better).
“They don’t know that.” God, I love Melissa’s Kara so much. I can’t say enough How perfectly she embodies a character I’ve loved for most of my life. The overlay of Kara stopping the robbery with Cat’s speech is an amazing choice and works so well. And James’s picture. I hope beyond hope that CBS is seeing how many people want a print of that picture, and release it in their store, because I’ll buy two. At least. I REALLY WANT THAT PICTURE OKAY?
The Jemm scenes were dark and creepy, and perfect for the mood they were going for. I do think it’s a funny coincidence that Supergirl had a purple psychic villain so soon after Jessica Jones premiered.
The one thing I didn’t like about this episode was Winn’s reaction to the hug. It was a simple hug, and he overreacted big time. Winn, I love you, but you went stereotypical “Nice Guy” there.
Alex kicked SO MUCH ASS. That is all.
The city-saving montage was absolutely amazing. I especially loved her smile at the school children. I’ve said before that no matter how I feel about the show, I’m not the important audience. The children are. And I’m seeing that more and more. A few weeks ago I went to a comic con, cosplaying as Kara. I had a little girl point at me, and her dad came over and told me she really wanted a picture with me. She was dressed as a tiny Wonder Woman, and the picture was probably the most adorable thing ever. As they left, I found out her name was actually Kara and that she really wanted a picture with her namesake. Then this week, two separate friends sent me pictures of their children. One posed in front of the Supergirl logo on TV with her hands on her hips, standing strong and proud. The other in a Supergirl hat with a giant grin on her face. These little things warm my heart and make the show so much more worthwhile.
Alright, I buried it long enough. Let’s talk about the absolutely HUGE reveal. I was wrong. Hank’s not Cyborg Superman. Or at least this Hank isn’t. And I’m thrilled. While I’d love to see that villain eventually (Either Jeremiah Danvers or the real Hank Henshaw would be great), I LOVE that we’re getting J’onn. I’ve loved the Martian Manhunter for almost as long as I’ve loved Supergirl. I also REALLY hope we get to see “Hank” enjoy some Oreos in the future. AND J’ONN LOOKED AMAZING.
And for the second straight week we got a great cliffhanger ending to the episode, leaving me begging for more.
Last week I said that I couldn’t imagine a more perfect episode of Supergirl. I happily eat crow this week, and hope I continue to. I loved “Red Faced” so much, but “Human for a Day” is my new favorite by miles. Please let this show stick around for years and years to come. See you next week for the Fall finale! (And I think I have something special planned for the couple of weeks of hiatus we get, so stay tuned).
Corinne McCreery has been a fan of comic books for over twenty years, and a fan of Supergirl in particular for just about that long. Other comic characters near and dear to her heart are the members of the New Teen Titans (Especially Nightwing), Kitty Pryde and Roy Harper. Other non-comic related interests include water skiing and tattoos, of which she has five, three of which are comic related. One of the best days of her life came when she met Dean Cain, and was able to recreate the famous Crisis on Infinite Earths cover with the Man of Steel that she grew up with. Currently she lives in Oakland, CA; a transplant from South Dakota. You can find her online on tumblr at effyeahsupergirl or Twitter at @corimarie21, where you will likely find her live-tweeting the west coast airing of Supergirl every week.
First things first, I unfortunately got spoiled on the reveal before the episode aired. You see, I live on the West Coast. None of my friends on Facebook watch the show live, so I didn’t have to worry about any of them. I assumed I wouldn’t have to worry about comic news sites too, since there’s been so much backlash with pre-west coast airing spoilers with things like Walking Dead. I assumed incorrectly, because twenty minutes after the episode aired, Newsarama spoiled it in both their link and in the image they used to show the link. Shame on you Newsarama.
That said, this episode was absolutely amazing. It nailed every single thing I love about this show. Mostly it was the most emotional episode we’ve gotten yet, and as I’ve said before, emotions are where this show really excels.
From the opening scene, I knew we were in for an emotional roller coaster episode. The really sad “Thanks. …Mom.” at the end of the scene choked me up. And then “Stupid Red Tornado” had me giggling. As did “He’s such a nerd.”
Since the reveal was spoiled for me, I have to say that Henshaw’s response to “I will grind your loved ones to dust” was even more poignant for me. It resonates on a whole different level when you know the truth.
Man, do I love James Olsen. So much more after this episode even. His backstory broke my heart. And continues to do so on every rewatch.
Cat Grant taking a picture of the guy who left for his family is just so Cat… As is her forgetting Winn’s name. And her pep talk this week going to everyone, rather than just to Kara. The talk with Kara and Cat at the end was heartwarming and sincere. “I know you inspired them, because you inspired me,” may just be my favorite line from an episode chalk full of great lines.
“Don’t you think people need a more positive message? Hope, rather than fear?” Perfect. Again, this show nails the character I love so much. This is my Kara, my beacon of hope. And then, the scene with the dying father, lord what a gut wrenching, heart breaking scene. Kara trying so hard to save him, and failing is so hard to watch. This is another lesson that Kara learned in the Sterling Gates run on the book, that you can’t save everyone. (She actually learned it the arc before he took over, but was still dealing with the ramifications well into his run, and honestly Sterling handled it so much better).
“They don’t know that.” God, I love Melissa’s Kara so much. I can’t say enough How perfectly she embodies a character I’ve loved for most of my life. The overlay of Kara stopping the robbery with Cat’s speech is an amazing choice and works so well. And James’s picture. I hope beyond hope that CBS is seeing how many people want a print of that picture, and release it in their store, because I’ll buy two. At least. I REALLY WANT THAT PICTURE OKAY?
The Jemm scenes were dark and creepy, and perfect for the mood they were going for. I do think it’s a funny coincidence that Supergirl had a purple psychic villain so soon after Jessica Jones premiered.
The one thing I didn’t like about this episode was Winn’s reaction to the hug. It was a simple hug, and he overreacted big time. Winn, I love you, but you went stereotypical “Nice Guy” there.
Alex kicked SO MUCH ASS. That is all.
The city-saving montage was absolutely amazing. I especially loved her smile at the school children. I’ve said before that no matter how I feel about the show, I’m not the important audience. The children are. And I’m seeing that more and more. A few weeks ago I went to a comic con, cosplaying as Kara. I had a little girl point at me, and her dad came over and told me she really wanted a picture with me. She was dressed as a tiny Wonder Woman, and the picture was probably the most adorable thing ever. As they left, I found out her name was actually Kara and that she really wanted a picture with her namesake. Then this week, two separate friends sent me pictures of their children. One posed in front of the Supergirl logo on TV with her hands on her hips, standing strong and proud. The other in a Supergirl hat with a giant grin on her face. These little things warm my heart and make the show so much more worthwhile.
Alright, I buried it long enough. Let’s talk about the absolutely HUGE reveal. I was wrong. Hank’s not Cyborg Superman. Or at least this Hank isn’t. And I’m thrilled. While I’d love to see that villain eventually (Either Jeremiah Danvers or the real Hank Henshaw would be great), I LOVE that we’re getting J’onn. I’ve loved the Martian Manhunter for almost as long as I’ve loved Supergirl. I also REALLY hope we get to see “Hank” enjoy some Oreos in the future. AND J’ONN LOOKED AMAZING.
And for the second straight week we got a great cliffhanger ending to the episode, leaving me begging for more.
Last week I said that I couldn’t imagine a more perfect episode of Supergirl. I happily eat crow this week, and hope I continue to. I loved “Red Faced” so much, but “Human for a Day” is my new favorite by miles. Please let this show stick around for years and years to come. See you next week for the Fall finale! (And I think I have something special planned for the couple of weeks of hiatus we get, so stay tuned).
Corinne McCreery has been a fan of comic books for over twenty years, and a fan of Supergirl in particular for just about that long. Other comic characters near and dear to her heart are the members of the New Teen Titans (Especially Nightwing), Kitty Pryde and Roy Harper. Other non-comic related interests include water skiing and tattoos, of which she has five, three of which are comic related. One of the best days of her life came when she met Dean Cain, and was able to recreate the famous Crisis on Infinite Earths cover with the Man of Steel that she grew up with. Currently she lives in Oakland, CA; a transplant from South Dakota. You can find her online on tumblr at effyeahsupergirl or Twitter at @corimarie21, where you will likely find her live-tweeting the west coast airing of Supergirl every week.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
1x07: "Human for a Day"
This is the big reveal we've been waiting for! Tim and Frank geek out about "Human for a Day." Supergirl's best episode yet brought us a touching story about what truly makes a hero, along with what may be the coolest moment in DC TV history to date.
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Friday, December 4, 2015
Episode Review: 1x06 "Red Faced"
By Corinne McCreery
After three weeks, I finally have a new favorite episode. Don’t get me wrong, the last two episodes were great, but for me they just weren’t enough. This episode was probably the most perfect episode I can imagine getting. Traditionally, I’ll rewatch the episode immediately after it airs, and then again as I go to bed for the night on Monday nights. This time I had to give myself a break, because I needed time to cool down and process what I had just witnessed.
Most of what I absolutely loved about the episode boiled down to one key ingredient. I’ve gushed many times over in these recaps about how much I loved Sterling Gates’s and Jamal Igle’s run on Supergirl (it’s my second favorite run on a Supergirl book overall, and favorite modern era Supergirl run by about a million miles). And while the show has certainly looked to that run on the book for inspiration, over and over and over again; never before has it so fully felt like it had just completely pulled from the pages of those comics than it did in this episode. The look of the episode was so very close to Jamal’s art that it was uncanny, and the writing was pitch perfect in line with Sterling’s amazing work.
After three weeks, I finally have a new favorite episode. Don’t get me wrong, the last two episodes were great, but for me they just weren’t enough. This episode was probably the most perfect episode I can imagine getting. Traditionally, I’ll rewatch the episode immediately after it airs, and then again as I go to bed for the night on Monday nights. This time I had to give myself a break, because I needed time to cool down and process what I had just witnessed.
Most of what I absolutely loved about the episode boiled down to one key ingredient. I’ve gushed many times over in these recaps about how much I loved Sterling Gates’s and Jamal Igle’s run on Supergirl (it’s my second favorite run on a Supergirl book overall, and favorite modern era Supergirl run by about a million miles). And while the show has certainly looked to that run on the book for inspiration, over and over and over again; never before has it so fully felt like it had just completely pulled from the pages of those comics than it did in this episode. The look of the episode was so very close to Jamal’s art that it was uncanny, and the writing was pitch perfect in line with Sterling’s amazing work.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
1x06: "Red Faced"
Tim & Frank discuss Supergirl episode 6. What did Kara learn this week? What's up with Hank and Jeremiah? Why is everyone suddenly in a rage? All these questions are answered and more!
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Monday, November 30, 2015
Episode Review: 1x05 "How Does She Do It?"
By Corinne McCreery
This episode starts out AMAZING. I’ve praised the special effects in this show many times already, but good lord. I’m in awe of how incredible that opening flight scene is. It’s just beautiful to watch.
With the Siegel Award reference, we finally get the last real Easter Egg I expect right off the bat in the show. Though I think there will probably be a shout out to Peter David at some point, and I’m crossing my fingers for nods to Jim Mooney, Paul Kupperberg, and Carmine Infantino at some point too.
Some people online don’t like that Cat is being, well catty, to Lois Lane, especially since Lois isn’t there to defend herself. They see it as a denigration of one of DC’s premiere female characters, and pointless. I think it serves to sharpen Cat’s character. She’s not nice, and definitely wouldn’t be to a competitor. I don’t think that the jabs in the show are meant as mean spirited towards the character from the show, but from a character within it.
This episode starts out AMAZING. I’ve praised the special effects in this show many times already, but good lord. I’m in awe of how incredible that opening flight scene is. It’s just beautiful to watch.
With the Siegel Award reference, we finally get the last real Easter Egg I expect right off the bat in the show. Though I think there will probably be a shout out to Peter David at some point, and I’m crossing my fingers for nods to Jim Mooney, Paul Kupperberg, and Carmine Infantino at some point too.
Some people online don’t like that Cat is being, well catty, to Lois Lane, especially since Lois isn’t there to defend herself. They see it as a denigration of one of DC’s premiere female characters, and pointless. I think it serves to sharpen Cat’s character. She’s not nice, and definitely wouldn’t be to a competitor. I don’t think that the jabs in the show are meant as mean spirited towards the character from the show, but from a character within it.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
1x05: "How Does She Do It?"
And be sure to check out our exclusive interview with David Harewood for even more answers about Hank Henshaw!
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Friday, November 20, 2015
Bonus: David Harewood Exclusive Interview
We’ve got a special surprise for you. Tim & Frank are joined today by Hank Henshaw himself: David Harewood. He hints at the future of his character and gushes about his passion for comics and how important it is for him to work on a show as meaningful as Supergirl. Our sincere thanks to David for an excellent chat. Enjoy!
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Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Episode Review: 1x04 "Livewire"
By Corinne McCreery
I’ll open this week in saying that while still a fantastic episode, this is the first one that didn’t outshine the previous week’s for me. I still loved it, but I had some major hangups about certain parts of it. None of those problems came from what seems to be the controversial thing about the episode when I’m talking to others in my circles though. I have friends that don’t think they should have swapped episode order. That people should be ‘strong enough to separate reality from make believe.” I disagree with that sentiment and fully stand behind CBS’s decision to air the episodes out of order. I think it was both a respectful decision and one that makes a lot of business sense. The other options were to either air the originally intended episode, and possibly hurt and alienate some viewers into never coming back; or to not air any episode, which for a show that had been slipping in the ratings would have probably been a death knell. I’m glad they did what they did, and I think it shows the compassion that the show excels at. The episode still flowed well, the only continuity problem was how quickly it seemed that James and Lucy reconciled, but knowing the episodes were out of order made it easy for me to just assume the reconciliation happened in the one we missed.

Monday, November 16, 2015
1x04: "Livewire"
Live and wired from CatCo plaza, Frank and Tim are here to discuss "Livewire!" Supergirl faces off against a new villain while dealing with family drama. Plus, listener emails and Tim's crackpot theory.
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Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Episode Review: 1x03 "Fight or Flight"

This show continues to amaze me. While “Fight or Flight” continues the trend of episodes that I loved more than the last, I was a little worried about this episode coming in, for two reasons.
The first is that Reactron is my favorite Supergirl villain, due mostly to Sterling Gates’s amazing run on the Supergirl comic in which he made her Kara’s archenemy, and with a very personal backstory to it. I was annoyed when the show announced that he was going to be introduced as a former Superman villain, because Reactron has always been a Supergirl villain first. Despite that reservation, I was really hyped for this episode, because I never, ever thought I’d see Reactron on screen. So a little bit of my worry was that I was overhyping it. The second reason was that I saw a spoiler for something that happened in this episode, and it seemed to point at the episode being a big let down episode. I saw that Superman was going to appear, and saw the clip of him saving Supergirl, and that worried me profusely. More on that scene in a bit.
1x03: "Fight or Flight"
Tim and Frank enjoy a cocktail during this week's chat, which leads to some interesting discussion. Why ARE Hank Henshaw's eyes red? Plus, Cat gets a scoop and Kara fights her greatest enemy yet with a little help from a certain someone.
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Sunday, November 8, 2015
Episode Review: 1x02 "Stronger Together"
By Corinne McCreery
So I loved the pilot episode, and watched it over twenty times between the time it leaked to the internet, and the time in which we finally got something new for me to watch. At this point “Stronger Together” has been out for three days. I’ve watched it a dozen times. Somehow, I like this episode even more than the pilot, and that makes me extremely happy. I just hope that each episode continues this trend.
Melissa continues to shine in the role. She’s just such a phenomenal actress and embodies everything I love about the character, both on screen and off. Just like last week, it’s the little things that make me believe in her the most. In this episode it was the nose crunching when Cat suggested that Supergirl might be Superman’s girlfriend. It was the look of, “Oh god, why did I do this?” when she rescued “Fluffy.” It was a moment I’ll talk about in more detail later that happened at the end of the episode.
So I loved the pilot episode, and watched it over twenty times between the time it leaked to the internet, and the time in which we finally got something new for me to watch. At this point “Stronger Together” has been out for three days. I’ve watched it a dozen times. Somehow, I like this episode even more than the pilot, and that makes me extremely happy. I just hope that each episode continues this trend.
Melissa continues to shine in the role. She’s just such a phenomenal actress and embodies everything I love about the character, both on screen and off. Just like last week, it’s the little things that make me believe in her the most. In this episode it was the nose crunching when Cat suggested that Supergirl might be Superman’s girlfriend. It was the look of, “Oh god, why did I do this?” when she rescued “Fluffy.” It was a moment I’ll talk about in more detail later that happened at the end of the episode.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Episode Review: 1x01 "Pilot"
By Corinne McCreery
The Supergirl pilot has finally aired, and I’m still not over it. I’ll give full disclosure on the subject right now: I’m probably the biggest fan of Kara Zor-El you will ever meet. I own her first and second appearances, every issue of every solo series she’s ever had, and a good chunk of her key appearances in Action Comics and Adventure Comics from the 1960s and 1970s. I have a tattoo of George Perez’s Supergirl from Crisis on Infinite Earths tattooed on my leg, and plans for at least three more Supergirl centric tattoos. She’s my favorite character in all of comics, and one that I have looked to over and over again for guidance in tough times of my life.
I will say that I was leery coming in to this show. When the show was announced, I was no longer reading the comics, as the version of Supergirl in comics at the time was far from the version that I hold such a deep connection to. She didn’t represent the hope, optimism and compassion that Kara always had for me. She had been turned into an angry teenager, something she’d been before but never for so long, and lost the things that made her unique and, in my opinion, a better character than her cousin. I was worried that that would be the version we would get. Then, I was still leery when Melissa Benoist was cast, mostly because, not being a fan of Glee, I had no exposure to her. Even still, when the costume shots were released. The suit was what I wanted, very close to the classic look from the first movie and many years of comics, but the colors in those first photos were washed out and it looked like the show might be going in a darker direction.
Then we got the six minute trailer. I was just getting off work when it hit, and my friends started blowing up my phone wondering what I thought. I watched it on my tiny little phone, in public, at the bus stop. Not caring about the odd looks I was getting from the people around me, I was immersed in a trailer for a show I had waited nearly two decades for, since discovering the character. The trailer brought me to tears, along with eliciting inhuman squeals of happiness and literal jumping with joy. The show won me over then and there.
The Supergirl pilot has finally aired, and I’m still not over it. I’ll give full disclosure on the subject right now: I’m probably the biggest fan of Kara Zor-El you will ever meet. I own her first and second appearances, every issue of every solo series she’s ever had, and a good chunk of her key appearances in Action Comics and Adventure Comics from the 1960s and 1970s. I have a tattoo of George Perez’s Supergirl from Crisis on Infinite Earths tattooed on my leg, and plans for at least three more Supergirl centric tattoos. She’s my favorite character in all of comics, and one that I have looked to over and over again for guidance in tough times of my life.
I will say that I was leery coming in to this show. When the show was announced, I was no longer reading the comics, as the version of Supergirl in comics at the time was far from the version that I hold such a deep connection to. She didn’t represent the hope, optimism and compassion that Kara always had for me. She had been turned into an angry teenager, something she’d been before but never for so long, and lost the things that made her unique and, in my opinion, a better character than her cousin. I was worried that that would be the version we would get. Then, I was still leery when Melissa Benoist was cast, mostly because, not being a fan of Glee, I had no exposure to her. Even still, when the costume shots were released. The suit was what I wanted, very close to the classic look from the first movie and many years of comics, but the colors in those first photos were washed out and it looked like the show might be going in a darker direction.
Then we got the six minute trailer. I was just getting off work when it hit, and my friends started blowing up my phone wondering what I thought. I watched it on my tiny little phone, in public, at the bus stop. Not caring about the odd looks I was getting from the people around me, I was immersed in a trailer for a show I had waited nearly two decades for, since discovering the character. The trailer brought me to tears, along with eliciting inhuman squeals of happiness and literal jumping with joy. The show won me over then and there.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
1x02: "Stronger Together"
Just like Kara and her friends, Frank and Tim are stronger together. This week they cover listener emails and a recap of the second Supergirl episode, "Stronger Together."
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Monday, October 26, 2015
1x01: "Pilot"
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Thursday, October 1, 2015
0x12: EXCLUSIVE Helen Slater Interview
Helen Slater, the original big-screen Supergirl graces us with her presence in this exclusive interview! She tells us about her recurring role as Kara's adopted mom in the new Supergirl CBS TV series, her memories from the 1984 Supergirl movie, and everything in between. Check out her new CD The Ugly Duckling and thank her for being on the show by tweeting her @HelenSlaterNYC!
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Thursday, September 3, 2015
0x11: Red Hot Tornado of Beets
This week's casting news and a running commentary track of the Supergirl animated film Superman/Batman: Apocalypse!
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Tuesday, August 25, 2015
0x10: Accidental Segues
With tons of Supergirl news (and episode titles!) pouring in, Tim and Frank are counting down the days to the series premiere! Join the guys for a rundown of the latest updates.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015
0x09: Villapartment
San Diego Comic-Con has come and gone, so Tim and Frank are bringing you the latest news from the Supergirl panel! Hear about the new villain announcements and more!
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Wednesday, June 10, 2015
0x08: Story Rich
This week, Frank and Tim talk listener feedback, the Supergirl pilot leak and the resulting reviews, the premiere date, recent comments by Geoff Johns, plus a discussion of Supergirl's role in the direct-to-video DC Animated movie Superman: Unbound.
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Sponsored by: - the web's destination for all the latest news, rumors, and spoilers for CBS's Supergirl. By fans, for fans. - Trade paperbacks from Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, and more! Discounted up to 42% off. No shipping on orders over $50. - Up to 50% off pre-order, mail order comics, trade paperbacks, and collectibles from DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, Image, Boom!, and more. Great customer service and flat rate US shipping.
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Sponsored by: - the web's destination for all the latest news, rumors, and spoilers for CBS's Supergirl. By fans, for fans. - Trade paperbacks from Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, and more! Discounted up to 42% off. No shipping on orders over $50. - Up to 50% off pre-order, mail order comics, trade paperbacks, and collectibles from DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, Image, Boom!, and more. Great customer service and flat rate US shipping.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
0x07: Copy Patentright
We have a Supergirl trailer! TWO of them in fact! Tim and Frank break the trailers down and discuss everything we know about the show so far.
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Friday, April 24, 2015
0x06: Headcanon
Your latest Supergirl news and the long-awaited discussion of the 1984 Supergirl movie starring Helen Slater!
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Sponsored by: - the web's destination for all the latest news, rumors, and spoilers for CBS's Supergirl. By fans, for fans.
Friday, March 20, 2015
0x05: Sterling Gates Interview
We're thrilled to bring you this super-sized, exclusive interview with Sterling Gates, best known for his critically-acclaimed run on the Supergirl title for DC Comics from 2008-2011! Read Sterling's comics at Comixology and check out his new movie, The Posthuman Project.
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Sponsored by: - the web's destination for all the latest news, rumors, and spoilers for CBS's Supergirl. By fans, for fans.
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Sponsored by: - the web's destination for all the latest news, rumors, and spoilers for CBS's Supergirl. By fans, for fans.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
0x04: Easy Breezy Lemon Squeezy
The news just keeps piling in! The Supergirl pilot is now in production and Superman family alums Supergirl will be in it! Meanwhile, Melissa Benoist has been seen wearing the House of El crest. Get the week's latest news here and now.
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Thursday, February 26, 2015
0x03: I'm All Fa-lustered
SPECIAL NEWS BULLETIN! So much casting news, it'll make your head spin faster than a speeding bullet. With news breaking just minutes before recording, Frank and Tim are back this week with the latest updates.
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Thursday, February 19, 2015
0x02: Left-Handed Revelation
Supergirl's Jimmy Olsen is cast! Frank and Tim discuss the casting, as well as the origins of Supergirl, Jimmy Olsen, and the cast of supporting characters. Meanwhile, Tim learns some shocking news about Frank.
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Sunday, January 25, 2015
0x01: Supergirl vs. Music Meister
Welcome to Supergirl TV Talk, the podcast devoted to the upcoming CBS Supergirl TV series. Hosts Tim and Frank kick off this premiere episode with the latest news, a few predictions, and of course some wild speculation.
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